0 |
object Controller_Page(60) {
public template => object View(2) {
protected _file => string(76) "/var/www/mangystay/data/www/agpc.mangystay.kz/application/views/template.php"
protected _data => array(2) (
"title" => string(28) "Растворы (19 лот)"
"content" => object View(2) {
protected _file => string(89) "/var/www/mangystay/data/www/agpc.mangystay.kz/modules/openspace/page/views/page/index.php"
protected _data => array(3) (
"children" => object Model_Page(43) {
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protected right_column => string(3) "rgt"
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"level" => NULL
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"text_ru" => NULL
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"visit" => NULL
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"column_default" => NULL
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"extra" => string(0) ""
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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protected _identifier => string(1) "`"
public last_query => string(119) "SELECT `image_ru` AS `image`, `url_ru` AS `url`, `name_ru` AS `name` FROM `banners` WHERE `view` = 1 ORDER BY `id` DESC"
protected _instance => string(7) "default"
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"type" => string(5) "MySQL"
"connection" => array(3) (
"hostname" => string(9) ""
"database" => string(17) "agpc.mangystau.kz"
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"profiling" => bool TRUE
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"parent" => object Model_Page(43) {
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"text_ru" => string(0) ""
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"name_en" => string(0) ""
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"text_ru" => string(0) ""
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"url_ru" => array(12) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
"column_name" => string(6) "url_ru"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 14
"character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255"
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"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
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"type" => string(6) "string"
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"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
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"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
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"type" => string(3) "int"
"min" => string(11) "-2147483648"
"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
"column_name" => string(5) "order"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(3) "int"
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"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
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"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
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"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
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"column_name" => string(11) "url_name_en"
"column_default" => NULL
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"visit" => array(13) (
"type" => string(3) "int"
"min" => string(11) "-2147483648"
"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
"column_name" => string(5) "visit"
"column_default" => string(1) "0"
"data_type" => string(3) "int"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 20
"display" => string(2) "12"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
protected _updated_column => NULL
protected _created_column => NULL
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protected _primary_key_value => string(4) "3556"
protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE
protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE
protected _db => object Database_MySQL(6) {
protected _connection_id => string(40) "12d9c47c10a44a657c8f1ee9b6fc7810a3f9ed54"
protected _identifier => string(1) "`"
public last_query => string(119) "SELECT `image_ru` AS `image`, `url_ru` AS `url`, `name_ru` AS `name` FROM `banners` WHERE `view` = 1 ORDER BY `id` DESC"
protected _instance => string(7) "default"
protected _connection => resource(mysql link)
protected _config => array(6) (
"type" => string(5) "MySQL"
"connection" => array(3) (
"hostname" => string(9) ""
"database" => string(17) "agpc.mangystau.kz"
"persistent" => bool FALSE
"table_prefix" => string(0) ""
"charset" => string(4) "utf8"
"caching" => bool TRUE
"profiling" => bool TRUE
protected _db_group => NULL
protected _db_applied => array(0)
protected _db_pending => array(1) (
0 => array(2) (
"name" => string(5) "where"
"args" => array(3) (
0 => string(7) "visible"
1 => string(1) "="
2 => integer 1
protected _db_reset => bool TRUE
protected _db_builder => NULL
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public version => string(0) ""
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0 => array(2) (
"href" => string(1) "/"
"title" => string(14) "Главная"
1 => array(2) (
"href" => string(19) "/ru/page/index/2973"
"title" => string(21) "Гос закупки"
2 => array(2) (
"href" => string(19) "/ru/page/index/3393"
"title" => string(126) "Закуп способом запроса ценовых предложений ЛС,МИ по 375 постановлению"
3 => array(2) (
"href" => string(19) "/ru/page/index/3555"
"title" => string(16) "Растворы"
public parent_id => NULL
public controller => string(4) "Page"
public action => string(5) "index"
public is_deputy => NULL
public secretary => NULL
public deputy => NULL
public deputy_area => NULL
public top_menu => object Database_MySQL_Result(7) {
protected _internal_row => integer 6
protected _query => string(177) "SELECT id, url_ru, name_ru,lft,rgt FROM pages
WHERE level = 2
AND visible = 1
AND lft > 2 …"
protected _result => resource(mysql result)
protected _total_rows => integer 6
protected _current_row => integer 6
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public top_menu_children => NULL
public bottom_menu => object Database_MySQL_Result(7) {
protected _internal_row => integer 11
protected _query => string(152) "SELECT id, url_ru, url_name_ru, name_ru FROM pages
lft > 2025
AND rgt < 2066 ORDER …"
protected _result => resource(mysql result)
protected _total_rows => integer 11
protected _current_row => integer 11
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public bottom_menu_children => NULL
public banner => object Database_MySQL_Result(7) {
protected _internal_row => integer 14
protected _query => string(61) "SELECT name_ru , url_ru, image_ru FROM banners WHERE view = 0"
protected _result => resource(mysql result)
protected _total_rows => integer 14
protected _current_row => integer 14
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public blog => NULL
public inquiry => NULL
public contact => object Database_MySQL_Result(7) {
protected _internal_row => integer 1
protected _query => string(72) "SELECT email, text_ru FROM contacts
protected _result => resource(mysql result)
protected _total_rows => integer 1
protected _current_row => integer 0
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public project => NULL
public user_question => NULL
public information => object Database_MySQL_Result(7) {
protected _internal_row => integer 1
protected _query => string(151) "SELECT title_ru, secretary_title_ru, secretary_text_ru,security_text_ru, register_ru, antivirus_result, date_check FROM informat …"
protected _result => resource(mysql result)
protected _total_rows => integer 1
protected _current_row => integer 1
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public comment_right => NULL
public address_array => NULL
public repliable => bool FALSE
public boss => array(1) (
14868 => array(8) (
"id" => string(5) "14868"
"img" => string(12) "88208662.JPG"
"name" => string(56) "Махимова Галия Амангельдеевна"
"position" => string(0) ""
"position_ru" => string(0) ""
"position_kz" => string(0) ""
"greeting_kz" => string(0) ""
"greeting_ru" => string(0) ""
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0 => string(75) "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"
1 => string(64) "http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css"
2 => string(30) "/media/css/daterangepicker.css"
3 => string(25) "/media/css/photoswipe.css"
4 => string(40) "/media/css/default-skin/default-skin.css"
5 => string(23) "/media/css/colorbox.css"
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0 => string(40) "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"
1 => string(46) "https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js"
2 => string(28) "/media/src/public/app.min.js"
3 => string(29) "/media/src/public/osslider.js"
4 => string(50) "/media/src/scss/includes/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js"
5 => string(23) "/media/js/moment.min.js"
6 => string(35) "/media/js/jquery.daterangepicker.js"
7 => string(47) "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"
public directory => string(5) "admin"
public admin_upload_path => NULL
public title => NULL
public content => NULL
public valid => object Validation(6) {
protected _bound => array(0)
protected _rules => array(0)
protected _labels => array(0)
protected _empty_rules => array(2) (
0 => string(9) "not_empty"
1 => string(7) "matches"
protected _errors => array(0)
protected _data => array(0)
public id => string(4) "3572"
public id2 => NULL
public id3 => NULL
public model => object Model_Page(43) {
protected use_scope => bool FALSE
protected left_column => string(3) "lft"
protected right_column => string(3) "rgt"
protected level_column => string(5) "level"
protected scope_column => string(5) "scope"
protected _default_lang => string(2) "kz"
protected langs => array(0)
protected _need_log => bool FALSE
protected _action_type => NULL
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protected _belongs_to => array(0)
protected _has_many => array(0)
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"id" => string(4) "3572"
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"rgt" => string(4) "1196"
"level" => string(1) "6"
"name_kz" => string(34) "Ерітінділер (19 лот)"
"name_en" => string(0) ""
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"text_en" => string(0) ""
"name_ru" => string(28) "Растворы (19 лот)"
"text_ru" => string(0) ""
"current_date" => string(19) "2018-01-26 07:56:55"
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"url_name_ru" => string(0) ""
"url_name_en" => string(0) ""
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"rgt" => string(4) "1196"
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"name_kz" => string(34) "Ерітінділер (19 лот)"
"name_en" => string(0) ""
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"text_en" => string(0) ""
"name_ru" => string(28) "Растворы (19 лот)"
"text_ru" => string(0) ""
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"visible" => string(1) "1"
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"url_en" => string(0) ""
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"url_name_kz" => string(0) ""
"url_name_ru" => string(0) ""
"url_name_en" => string(0) ""
"visit" => string(1) "0"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"type" => string(3) "int"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"column_default" => NULL
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"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
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"comment" => string(0) ""
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"column_default" => NULL
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"key" => string(0) ""
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"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(10) "mediumtext"
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"ordinal_position" => integer 8
"collation_name" => string(15) "utf8_general_ci"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"name_ru" => array(12) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
"column_name" => string(7) "name_ru"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
"ordinal_position" => integer 9
"character_maximum_length" => string(3) "700"
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"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
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"character_maximum_length" => string(8) "16777215"
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"column_default" => NULL
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"ordinal_position" => integer 10
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"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"current_date" => array(10) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
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"column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"data_type" => string(9) "timestamp"
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"ordinal_position" => integer 11
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"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
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"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
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"column_default" => string(1) "0"
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"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
"ordinal_position" => integer 12
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"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
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"type" => string(6) "string"
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"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
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"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
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"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
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"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
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"column_default" => NULL
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"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 18
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"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
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protected _updated_column => NULL
protected _created_column => NULL
protected _serialize_columns => array(0)
protected _primary_key => string(2) "id"
protected _primary_key_value => string(4) "3572"
protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE
protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE
protected _db => object Database_MySQL(6) {
protected _connection_id => string(40) "12d9c47c10a44a657c8f1ee9b6fc7810a3f9ed54"
protected _identifier => string(1) "`"
public last_query => string(119) "SELECT `image_ru` AS `image`, `url_ru` AS `url`, `name_ru` AS `name` FROM `banners` WHERE `view` = 1 ORDER BY `id` DESC"
protected _instance => string(7) "default"
protected _connection => resource(mysql link)
protected _config => array(6) (
"type" => string(5) "MySQL"
"connection" => array(3) (
"hostname" => string(9) ""
"database" => string(17) "agpc.mangystau.kz"
"persistent" => bool FALSE
"table_prefix" => string(0) ""
"charset" => string(4) "utf8"
"caching" => bool TRUE
"profiling" => bool TRUE
protected _db_group => NULL
protected _db_applied => array(0)
protected _db_pending => array(0)
protected _db_reset => bool TRUE
protected _db_builder => NULL
protected _with_applied => array(0)
protected _cast_data => array(0)
protected _errors_filename => string(4) "page"
public session => object Session_Native(5) {
protected _name => string(7) "session"
protected _lifetime => integer 0
protected _encrypted => bool FALSE
protected _data => array(0)
protected _destroyed => bool FALSE
public url => NULL
public auth => object Auth_ORM(2) {
protected _session => object Session_Native(5) {
protected _name => string(7) "session"
protected _lifetime => integer 0
protected _encrypted => bool FALSE
protected _data => array(0)
protected _destroyed => bool FALSE
protected _config => object Config_Group(7) {
public driver => string(3) "ORM"
public hash_method => string(6) "sha256"
public hash_key => string(50) "asfasff1f08c33524430e3e554086798bb7e14dry2369thsfk"
public lifetime => integer 1209600
public session_type => string(6) "native"
public session_key => string(9) "auth_user"
public users => array(0)
public user => bool FALSE
public pagination => NULL
public login => bool FALSE
public captcha => object Captcha_Alpha(4) {
protected driver => NULL
protected response => string(4) "2V9X"
protected image => NULL
protected image_type => string(3) "png"
public file => object Model_File(38) {
protected _default_lang => string(2) "kz"
protected langs => array(0)
protected _need_log => bool FALSE
protected _action_type => NULL
protected _has_one => array(0)
protected _belongs_to => array(0)
protected _has_many => array(0)
protected _load_with => array(0)
protected _validation => NULL
protected _object => array(12) (
"id" => NULL
"name" => NULL
"file" => NULL
"size" => NULL
"model" => NULL
"model_id" => NULL
"lang" => NULL
"download" => NULL
"antivirus" => NULL
"response_code" => NULL
"sha256" => NULL
"current_date" => NULL
protected _changed => array(0)
protected _original_values => array(0)
protected _related => array(0)
protected _valid => bool FALSE
protected _loaded => bool FALSE
protected _saved => bool FALSE
protected _sorting => NULL
protected _foreign_key_suffix => string(3) "_id"
protected _object_name => string(4) "file"
protected _object_plural => string(5) "files"
protected _table_name => string(5) "files"
protected _table_columns => array(12) (
"id" => array(13) (
"type" => string(3) "int"
"min" => string(11) "-2147483648"
"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
"column_name" => string(2) "id"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(3) "int"
"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
"ordinal_position" => integer 1
"display" => string(2) "11"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(14) "auto_increment"
"key" => string(3) "PRI"
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"name" => array(12) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
"column_name" => string(4) "name"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 2
"character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255"
"collation_name" => string(15) "utf8_general_ci"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"file" => array(12) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
"column_name" => string(4) "file"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 3
"character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255"
"collation_name" => string(15) "utf8_general_ci"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"size" => array(10) (
"type" => string(5) "float"
"column_name" => string(4) "size"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(5) "float"
"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
"ordinal_position" => integer 4
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"model" => array(12) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
"column_name" => string(5) "model"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 5
"character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255"
"collation_name" => string(15) "utf8_general_ci"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"model_id" => array(13) (
"type" => string(3) "int"
"min" => string(11) "-2147483648"
"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
"column_name" => string(8) "model_id"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(3) "int"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 6
"display" => string(3) "255"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"lang" => array(12) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
"column_name" => string(4) "lang"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 7
"character_maximum_length" => string(2) "10"
"collation_name" => string(15) "utf8_general_ci"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"download" => array(13) (
"type" => string(3) "int"
"min" => string(11) "-2147483648"
"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
"column_name" => string(8) "download"
"column_default" => string(1) "0"
"data_type" => string(3) "int"
"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
"ordinal_position" => integer 8
"display" => string(2) "11"
"comment" => string(60) "1-только для зареганых;0 - для всех"
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"antivirus" => array(13) (
"type" => string(3) "int"
"min" => string(11) "-2147483648"
"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
"column_name" => string(9) "antivirus"
"column_default" => string(1) "1"
"data_type" => string(3) "int"
"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
"ordinal_position" => integer 9
"display" => string(2) "11"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"response_code" => array(13) (
"type" => string(3) "int"
"min" => string(11) "-2147483648"
"max" => string(10) "2147483647"
"column_name" => string(13) "response_code"
"column_default" => string(2) "-1"
"data_type" => string(3) "int"
"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
"ordinal_position" => integer 10
"display" => string(2) "11"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"sha256" => array(12) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
"column_name" => string(6) "sha256"
"column_default" => NULL
"data_type" => string(7) "varchar"
"is_nullable" => bool TRUE
"ordinal_position" => integer 11
"character_maximum_length" => string(3) "255"
"collation_name" => string(15) "utf8_general_ci"
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
"current_date" => array(10) (
"type" => string(6) "string"
"column_name" => string(12) "current_date"
"column_default" => string(17) "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
"data_type" => string(9) "timestamp"
"is_nullable" => bool FALSE
"ordinal_position" => integer 12
"comment" => string(0) ""
"extra" => string(0) ""
"key" => string(0) ""
"privileges" => string(31) "select,insert,update,references"
protected _updated_column => NULL
protected _created_column => NULL
protected _serialize_columns => array(0)
protected _primary_key => string(2) "id"
protected _primary_key_value => NULL
protected _table_names_plural => bool TRUE
protected _reload_on_wakeup => bool TRUE
protected _db => object Database_MySQL(6) {
protected _connection_id => string(40) "12d9c47c10a44a657c8f1ee9b6fc7810a3f9ed54"
protected _identifier => string(1) "`"
public last_query => string(119) "SELECT `image_ru` AS `image`, `url_ru` AS `url`, `name_ru` AS `name` FROM `banners` WHERE `view` = 1 ORDER BY `id` DESC"
protected _instance => string(7) "default"
protected _connection => resource(mysql link)
protected _config => array(6) (
"type" => string(5) "MySQL"
"connection" => array(3) (
"hostname" => string(9) ""
"database" => string(17) "agpc.mangystau.kz"
"persistent" => bool FALSE
"table_prefix" => string(0) ""
"charset" => string(4) "utf8"
"caching" => bool TRUE
"profiling" => bool TRUE
protected _db_group => NULL
protected _db_applied => array(0)
protected _db_pending => array(0)
protected _db_reset => bool TRUE
protected _db_builder => NULL
protected _with_applied => array(0)
protected _cast_data => array(0)
protected _errors_filename => string(4) "file"
public setting => NULL
public webserviceUrl => string(26) "http://adcloud.mtsystem.kz"
public from => string(18) "robots@mtsystem.kz"
public cache => object Cache_File(2) {
protected _cache_dir => object SplFileInfo(0) {
protected _config => array(4) (
"driver" => string(4) "file"
"cache_dir" => string(63) "/var/www/mangystay/data/www/agpc.mangystay.kz/application/cache"
"default_expire" => integer 3600
"ignore_on_delete" => array(3) (
0 => string(10) ".gitignore"
1 => string(4) ".git"
2 => string(4) ".svn"
public isAjax => bool FALSE
public auto_render => bool TRUE
public request => object Request(19) {
protected _requested_with => NULL
protected _method => string(3) "GET"
protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
protected _secure => bool FALSE
protected _referrer => NULL
protected _route => object Route(5) {
protected _filters => array(0)
protected _uri => string(56) "(<lang>)(/)(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>(/page<page>))))"
protected _regex => array(3) (
"lang" => string(8) "kz|ru|en"
"page" => string(6) "[0-9]+"
"id" => string(14) "[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+"
protected _defaults => array(2) (
"controller" => string(5) "index"
"action" => string(5) "index"
protected _route_regex => string(152) "#^(?:(?P<lang>kz|ru|en))?(?:/)?(?:(?P<controller>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<action>[^/.,;?\n]++)(?:/(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(?:/page(?P< …"
protected _routes => array(0)
protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0) {
protected _body => NULL
protected _directory => string(0) ""
protected _controller => string(4) "Page"
protected _action => string(5) "index"
protected _uri => string(18) "ru/page/index/3556"
protected _external => bool FALSE
protected _params => array(2) (
"lang" => string(2) "ru"
"id" => string(4) "3556"
protected _get => array(0)
protected _post => array(0)
protected _cookies => array(0)
protected _client => object Request_Client_Internal(9) {
protected _previous_environment => NULL
protected _cache => NULL
protected _follow => bool FALSE
protected _follow_headers => array(1) (
0 => string(13) "Authorization"
protected _strict_redirect => bool TRUE
protected _header_callbacks => array(1) (
"Location" => string(34) "Request_Client::on_header_location"
protected _max_callback_depth => integer 5
protected _callback_depth => integer 1
protected _callback_params => array(0)
public response => object Response(5) {
protected _status => integer 200
protected _header => object HTTP_Header(0) {
protected _body => string(0) ""
protected _cookies => array(0)
protected _protocol => string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
public top_menu_2 => object Database_Result_Cached(6) {
protected _query => string(177) "SELECT id, url_ru, name_ru,lft,rgt FROM pages
WHERE level = 2
AND visible = 1
AND lft > 2 …"
protected _result => array(6) (
0 => array(5) (
"id" => string(4) "2966"
"url_ru" => string(0) ""
"name_ru" => string(9) "О нас"
"lft" => string(4) "1681"
"rgt" => string(4) "1800"
1 => array(5) (
"id" => string(4) "2973"
"url_ru" => string(0) ""
"name_ru" => string(21) "Гос закупки"
"lft" => string(3) "125"
"rgt" => string(4) "1628"
2 => array(5) (
"id" => string(4) "3656"
"url_ru" => string(0) ""
"name_ru" => string(47) "Корпоративное управление"
"lft" => string(4) "1997"
"rgt" => string(4) "2018"
3 => array(5) (
"id" => string(4) "3797"
"url_ru" => string(0) ""
"name_ru" => string(18) "Документы"
"lft" => string(4) "1963"
"rgt" => string(4) "1982"
4 => array(5) (
"id" => string(4) "3791"
"url_ru" => string(0) ""
"name_ru" => string(49) "Противодействие коррупции"
"lft" => string(4) "1947"
"rgt" => string(4) "1962"
5 => array(5) (
"id" => string(4) "3800"
"url_ru" => string(0) ""
"name_ru" => string(39) "Наблюдательный совет"
"lft" => string(4) "1983"
"rgt" => string(4) "1996"
protected _total_rows => integer 6
protected _current_row => integer 0
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public articles => object Database_MySQL_Result(7) {
protected _internal_row => integer 6
protected _query => string(205) "SELECT id, url_ru, name_ru, text_ru,lft,rgt,current_date,visit FROM pages
WHERE level = 2
AND visible …"
protected _result => resource(mysql result)
protected _total_rows => integer 6
protected _current_row => integer 0
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public bottom_menu_sites => object Database_MySQL_Result(7) {
protected _internal_row => integer 0
protected _query => string(194) "SELECT id, url_ru, url_name_ru, name_ru FROM pages
WHERE level = 2
AND visible = 1
AND lf …"
protected _result => resource(mysql result)
protected _total_rows => integer 0
protected _current_row => integer 0
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public map_site => object Database_Result_Cached(6) {
protected _query => string(177) "SELECT id, url_ru, name_ru,lft,rgt FROM pages
WHERE level = 2
AND visible = 1
AND lft > 2 …"
protected _result => bool FALSE
protected _total_rows => integer 1
protected _current_row => integer 0
protected _as_object => bool FALSE
protected _object_params => NULL
public site_name => string(134) "Официальный интернет - ресурс УПРАВЛЕНИЕ КУЛЬТУРЫ Мангистауской области"
public site_url => string(31) "http://new.ukm.mangystau.gov.kz"
public dislocation => NULL
public form => NULL
} |